It has taken me awhile to do this. I was only a few months younger than Ted Williams when he arrived at Fenway Park. In the late 1930's the Red Sox had Ladies Day every At Home Friday, so my mother and I drove in from Lynn and paid the ten percent US amusement tax - one dime -to sit in any seat that was not taken. We tried to sit in about the tenth row up -on the aisle- behind home plate. Babe Ruth had retired but we saw all the great American League players of the time. Mother and I listened to the games on the radio on the other days and knew the batting lineups of all the teams. We were given free programs and at the time I could fill in the game statistics with the best of them. The last Fenway game I saw was a Sox-Yankees Sunday game in September 1951. My only World Series game was the third game of the 1950 Athletics-Yankees at my only time in "The House that Ruth Built." I went prepared to cheer against the hated Yankees, but Phillie was so terrible that I just sat and cringed. It wasn't until I had been in S.F. about ten years in the late 1990's that I saw a Giant-Cards game at the Stick. The Red Sox-Giants had been a belated 85th Birthday gift that I had looked forward to for months. It rather surprised me that I was happy my team, the Giants won!! Beatrice Cummings |